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Beith Trust Membership
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Looking to become a member of Beith Trust and become involved with our efforts to develop our local community? Members of Beith Trust help to shape the future of the charity; and are provided. Please complete this form to become a member.

As a member of Beith Trust, you are then granted the right to apply to be a member director.


Who are Charity Trustees?

The Charities Act (1993) defines charity trustees as those responsible under the charity’s governing document for controlling the administration and management of the charity. This is the case regardless of the terminology used to describe the role. For Beith Trust, the charity trustees are known as the Board of Directors. Beith Trust Board of Directors comprises of:

  • The chairperson
  • The treasurer
  • Up to 5 elected member directors
  • Up to 4 appointed directors

The Board of Directors appoints a Vice Chair from among the Directors.

The role of the Board of Directors

At its simplest, the role of the Board of Directors is to receive assets from donors, safeguard them and apply them to the charitable purpose of Beith Trust. The Board of Directors must always act in the best interests of Beith Trust, exercising the same standard of duty of care that a prudent person would apply if looking after the affairs of someone for whom they have a responsibility. The board of directors must act as a group and not as individuals.

In addition to the above statutory duties, each Director should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the board of directors reach sound decisions. This may involve leading discussions, identifying key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, and evaluating or offering advice on other areas in which the trustee has particular expertise.

Minimum Time Commitment

Directors are expected to attend an induction session at Beith Trust prior to their first board meeting. Board meetings are held a minimum of four times a year outside of normal office hours at Geilsland Estate or online via zoom. Board meeting papers are distributed in advance of meetings and directors can claim out-of-pocket expenses incurred in travelling to meetings. Directors may be asked to join sub-committees, each of which meets every 2 months, outside of office hours at Geilsland Estate or online via Zoom. Directors are also invited to the annual general meeting (AGM) of Beith Trust which takes place during the day in December.

The duties of a Board Director of Beith Trust are to:

  • Ensure that Beith Trust complies with its governing document (its Articles of Association), Charity law, company law and any other relevant. legislation or regulations
  • Ensure that Beith Trust pursues its objects as defined in its governing document.
  • Ensure Beith Trust applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects. For example, it must not spend money on activities which are not included in the objects, however worthwhile they may be.
  • Contribute actively to the Board of Directors by giving firm strategic direction to Beith Trust, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
  • Safeguard the reputation and values of Beith Trust.
  • Ensure the financial stability of Beith Trust.

What our members say

Person Specification

Each Director must have:

  • A commitment to the vision and values of Beith Trust.
  • A willingness to meet the minimum time requirements.
  • Integrity.
  • Strategic vision.
  • Good, independent judgement.
  • An ability to think creatively.
  • A willingness to speak their mind.
  • An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship.
  • An ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of Beith Trust.

The Board of Directors collectively need skills and experience in the following areas:

  • Financial management, income generation and enterprise.
  • Community Empowerment and participation.
  • Asset-based community learning and development.
  • Digital technologies.
  • Trading subsidiaries and social enterprise.
  • Human resource management.
  • Volunteering management.
  • Membership management.
  • Grant and Trust funding/foundations.
  • Collaborative partnerships.
  • Social investment and impact.
Only full members of Beith Trust are eligible for election to the Board of Directors, in addition, they must also be nominated by a full member.

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By and for the people of Beith. A thriving community and a flourishing place.

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