Empowering yourself: Discover the Benefits of Citizen’s Advice and Beith Trust

Hey, everyone! We have some exciting news to share with you about a fabulous resource that might just be the game-changer if you’re dealing with financial stress, debt, energy issues, or need advice on welfare. Beith Trust has recently partnered with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau to bring their services to the people of Beith!
But what is the Citizen’s Advice Bureau exactly? Essentially, it’s a direct link to experts who can give you solid advice on all those tricky topics. Finance, energy, and welfare can all be very confusing topics to try to wrap your head around, so Citizen’s Advice will help you to navigate every step along the way.
Here’s how it works: You can get in touch with us via this referral link to tell us a bit about what you’re looking for and we’ll be in touch with the next steps.
What kind of stuff can they help you with? Well, nearly everything related to finance, debt, energy problems, or welfare queries. Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet or just need some guidance on budgeting, these are the people to ask. Even better, this service can be utilised via the telephone or in face-to-face meetings, whichever you feel most comfortable doing, and it won’t cost you a thing.
So, if you or someone you know is struggling and could use some expert advice regarding finance, welfare, debt, or energy, fill out our referral form and we’ll get in touch! We all have rough patches now and then, and it’s important that we never struggle in silence. Citizen’s Advice and Beith Trust are here to help however we can.