Are you struggling with life’s challenges? Remember, you are Not Alone. There is help and advice available.
Times are tough but you’re Not Alone!
Beith Trust has a range of community support services aimed to assist you in various aspects of life.
Get Expert Help with Finance, Debt, and More at the Citizens Advice Centre
Confidential financial and welfare support is available. Reach out for personalised face-to-face or phone consultations.
Lend an Ear: Weekly Telephone Befriending Services in Beith
Feeling isolated? Enjoy a friendly weekly call and become part of our monthly High Tea Club at the Eglinton Inn.
Garnock Valley Helping Hands: Parenting Support and Supplies
New parent or caregiver? We provide essential supplies for your new baby or young children.
The Chit Chat Club at Beith Community Centre
Looking for a sense of community? Join us every Friday at 12 pm for food, friends, and chat. Free food when available!
Unlock Your Full Potential with Our Personal Development Programmes
Take part in classes, courses, and volunteering opportunities to improve both your mental and physical well-being, at whatever rate suits your learning style and level of confidence.